Adjective and Prepositions that often appear together.
Adjective and Preposition Collocations
- absorbed in
- according to
- accustomed to
- afraid of
- angry (mad) at
- angry (mad) about
- anxious for
- anxious about
- ashamed of
- aware of
- bad at
- bad for
- capable of
- confident of
- due to
- due for
- different from
- exposed to
- fed up with
- fit for
- fond of
- frightened of
- frightened at
- full of
- good at
- good for
- interested in
- involved in
- keen on
- liable for
- liable to
- married to
- nevous of
- nice of
- owning to
- pleased with
- prepared for
- proud of
- ready for
- responsible for
- responsible to
- scared 0f
- sorry for/about
- successful in
- suspicious of
- terrified of
- tired of
- used to
Prepositional Phrases Sentences
She was absorbed in her book.
According to John it's 4:50
Marthoners are accustomed to get up early in the morning.
He is afraid/frightened/scared of the dark.
He is bad/good at cricket. (a bad or good player)
He got involved in the accident.