Important one word Substitution - English Vocabulary -- One word for many words

More than 1000 One Word Substitution


One Word Substitutions - J
One Word Sentence
Judicious Characterised by good judgement - wise - sensible.
Jurispredence Science of law.
Jurist Judge one who is genius in Justice.
Jaywalk To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
Joey A young kangaroo
One Word Substitutions - K
Kennel Dog House or Shelter for Dogs
Kleptomania A person who has irreristible impulse to steal.
Kimono A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan.
Knighthood The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name.
One Word Substitutions - L
Lackey One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.
Laminate To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic
Legible Capable of being read clearly.
Leonine Of or like a lion
Lexicographer One who complies dictionaries
Libertarian One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
Literati People with knowledge of literature.
Loquacious One who talks a lot.
Lowbrow One who has no interest in literature, art etc.
Lexicologist One who studies the history and meaning of words.
Linguist One who studies the science of languages.
Lithologist One who studies the science of rocks and minerates.
One who removes the stones from penis (Lethotomy).
A humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba.
A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep.
One Word Substitutions - M
Magnify To make anything appears larger.
Manometer Instrument used for determining the pressure of a glass.
Machete A knife with a broad heavy blade.
Magnum Opus A great work of art, particularly literary.
Malediction Evil, vicious speech.
Manual A book giving instructions or information.
Manuscript Handwritten script of a book.
Martinet A strict disciplinarian.
Mascot Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck.
Masochist One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
Microscope Instrument used for magnifying minute object by lens systems.
Misanthrope One who hates all mankind.
Miscegenation Marriage between different races
Misogamist One who hates women.
Misogymist One who hates marriage.
Misologist A hater of learning and knowledge
Moralist One who tells about moral.
Mortuary A building where dead bodies are kept.
Mediocre One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
Melodious Sweet Sounding.
Mercantile Of trade and business
Meteorology The scientific study of weather conditions.
Meticulous A person who is very careful about details.
Militia Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.
Monomaniac One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
Monotheism The practice of worshipping only one god.
Multinational A company having branches in many countires.
Mycology The scientific study of fungi.
One Word Substitutions - N
Narcissism The habit of always admiring oneself
Notorious A person with an evil reputation.
Numismatics Science of coins or medals.
Nausea Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.
Nautical of or concerning navigation, sailors, or the sea; maritime.
Nemesis Downfall that satisfies natural justice.
Neologism A new word.
Nepotism Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.
Notary A public official who makes written statements official
One Word Substitutions - O
Obsolote A thing no longer in use.
Omnivorous An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food.
Ornithology Study of Birds
Opaque That through which light cannot pass.
Obituary Notice of a person's death in a newspaper.
Obligatory That which required to be done by law.
Omnipotent One who is all powerful.
Omniscient One who know everything.
Omnivorous One who eats anything.
Ontology Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence
Opthalmologist An eye-doctor
Optometrist A technician who measures your eyesight.
One Word Substitutions - P
Pachyderm A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
Pacifist A Person who oppose war or use of military force
Parasite A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return.
Philistine One who does not care for art, literature etc.
Plagiarist One who copies from other writers.
Platonic A relationship that is purely spiritual and not physical.
Plutocracy A Government by the rich.
Postscript A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature
Potable Safe drinking water.
Pseudonym To write under a different name.
Paleography The study of ancient writing.

The study of fossils.

Panacea A remdy which can cure all diseases.
Paradox Contradictory statement.
Pariah One who is not accepted by society
Patent Sole right to make and sell one's own invention.
Paunch A man's fat stomach.

One who exhibits his book learning

Penultimate Last but one.
Perquisite Gain over and above one's salary.
Petrology The scientific study of rocks.
Philistine Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
Philologist Onesho is well versed in the science of languages
Pigment The natural colouring mater of plants and animals
Plaintiff One who bring a charge against someone in court
Plebeian Of the lower social classes.
Polyandry The practise of having more than one husband at the same time.
Polygamy The practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.
Polyglot One who speaks many languages.
Polygraphy A lie-detector.
Posthumous A child born after the death of its father.
Pragmatist One who uses common sense.
Prescient Able to foretell what will happen in future.
Profile A side view of someone's head.
Propellant An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
Pulimonary Of or having an effect on the lungs.
Pyrotechnics The art of making fireworks
One Word Substitutions - Q
Quack One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine.
Quarantine Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection.
Quixotic Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger.
One Word Substitutions - R
Renegade One who deserts his principles, country or party
Raconteur One who is good at telling stories or who tells anecdotes
Rapport A good relationship between two people.
Receptive Capable of receiving new ideas.
Red Tapism Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
Reflation A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation.
Refugee One who takes refuge in a foreign country
Reinforce Strengthen by additional men or material.
Reinstate Put back in a former station or condition.
Renaissance A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
Requisition An official demand or request.
Retribution A severe deserved punishment.
Ringleader One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
Rodent A small herbivore usually considered a pest..
Ruminant A cud-chewing animal
Russophile An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way of life.
Russophobe One who dislikes the Russians and Russia.
One Word Substitutions - S
Sacrilege Violation of something holy and sacred
Scavenger A person who searches for and collects discarded items.
Stoic A person who can endure pain or hardship without complaining.
Streak A long, thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings.
Surreal Resembling a dream.
Sabotage Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen ; Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. by dissatisfied workers.
Sanatorium A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents. ; A place for invalids and convalescents.
Sanctimonious Making a show of piety.
Scaffold A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
Sceptic Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
Scuba An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
Sculptor One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc.
Sedentary Done while sitting down.
Seer One who can see into the future.
Sensationalism The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
Septuagenarian One in his seventies.
Silhouette Black shadow-like picture on white background.
Simultaneous happening or done at the same time
Simultaneously Taking place or happening at the same time.
Sinecure Any office with good salary but no work.
Sinophile An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life.
Sinophobe One who dislikes the Chinese and China.
Small Fry Unimportant people.
Snippet A small piece from something spoken or written.
Sojourn A short stay at a place.
Somnambulist One who walk in his sleep
Spendthrift One who spends too much
Spinster An unmarried woman.
Stale Something which is not fresh.
Stampede A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals.
Stellar Of the stars.
Stockbroker One who buys and sell shares for others.
Stratagem A trick to deceive an enemy.
Stringent Very strict.
Sub Judice A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law.
Subcutaneous Beneath the skin.
Subsidy Money paid by a government to make prices lower.
Subversive Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority.
Superannuated Too old for work.
Superfluous More than is needed
Surgeon One who treats diseases by Operations
Symposium Collection of views of several persons on a topic.
Synonym A word with the same meaning as another.
One Word Substitutions - T
Tableau A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak.
Taboo An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden.
Taxidermy The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish. ; The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses.
Technocrat A specialist in technology.
Teetotaller One who doesn’t consume alchoholic drinks; One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
Terminate Come or bring to an end.
Theist One who believes in the existence of God.
Theocracy Government by priests.
Thesaurus Lexicon, esp, a collection of words
Timber Wood cut down for building etc.
Topiary The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
Topography The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map.
Traitor One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc. or One who is disloyal to his country.
Transmigration Belief that the soul passes at death into another body.
Translucent Light can partly pass through.
Transparent Light can pass through.
Tyrant A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
One Word Substitutions - U
Utopia An imaginary ideal state
Ultimatum final proposal of terms given by one party to another.
Unanimous A decision taken by the votes of all.
Undertaker A tradesman who manages funerals.
One Word Substitutions - V
Venial A pardonable Offense
Vagabond One who lives a wanderling life.
Virtuoso One who is highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
Valetudinarian One who is overanxious about one’s health.
Verbatim Word for word
Versatile Of many sided ability
Veterinarian One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals.
Vicarious Done for another
Volunteer One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will
One Word Substitutions - W
Wanton Recklessly inconsiderate
Warren A place for breeding or preserving rabbits
Widower A man whose wife is dead
Winnow To separate the husks from the grain
Wizard A man who has magical powers.
One Word Substitutions - X
Xenomanic A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living.
Xenophobia Fear of strangers.
One Word Substitutions - Z
Zoo A   place where many   kinds of animals are kept for show.
Zoology Study of animals