One Word Substitutions - J | |
One Word | Sentence |
Judicious | Characterised by good judgement - wise - sensible. |
Jurispredence | Science of law. |
Jurist | Judge one who is genius in Justice. |
Jaywalk | To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way. |
Joey | A young kangaroo |
One Word Substitutions - K | |
Kennel | Dog House or Shelter for Dogs |
Kleptomania | A person who has irreristible impulse to steal. |
Kimono | A loose gown of silk as worn in Japan. |
Knighthood | The right to put ‘Sir’ in front of one’s name. |
One Word Substitutions - L | |
Lackey | One who behaves like a servant by always obeying. |
Laminate | To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic |
Legible | Capable of being read clearly. |
Leonine | Of or like a lion |
Lexicographer | One who complies dictionaries |
Libertarian | One who believes that one should have freedom of expression. |
Literati | People with knowledge of literature. |
Loquacious | One who talks a lot. |
Lowbrow | One who has no interest in literature, art etc. |
Lexicologist | One who studies the history and meaning of words. |
Linguist | One who studies the science of languages. |
Lithologist | One who studies the science of rocks and minerates. |
Lithotomist |
One who removes the stones from penis (Lethotomy). |
Limerick |
A humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba. |
Lullaby |
A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep. |
One Word Substitutions - M | |
Magnify | To make anything appears larger. |
Manometer | Instrument used for determining the pressure of a glass. |
Machete | A knife with a broad heavy blade. |
Magnum Opus | A great work of art, particularly literary. |
Malediction | Evil, vicious speech. |
Manual | A book giving instructions or information. |
Manuscript | Handwritten script of a book. |
Martinet | A strict disciplinarian. |
Mascot | Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck. |
Masochist | One who enjoys pain or humiliation. |
Microscope | Instrument used for magnifying minute object by lens systems. |
Misanthrope | One who hates all mankind. |
Miscegenation | Marriage between different races |
Misogamist | One who hates women. |
Misogymist | One who hates marriage. |
Misologist | A hater of learning and knowledge |
Moralist | One who tells about moral. |
Mortuary | A building where dead bodies are kept. |
Mediocre | One who is neither intelligent nor dull. |
Melodious | Sweet Sounding. |
Mercantile | Of trade and business |
Meteorology | The scientific study of weather conditions. |
Meticulous | A person who is very careful about details. |
Militia | Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army. |
Monomaniac | One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only. |
Monotheism | The practice of worshipping only one god. |
Multinational | A company having branches in many countires. |
Mycology | The scientific study of fungi. |
One Word Substitutions - N | |
Narcissism | The habit of always admiring oneself |
Notorious | A person with an evil reputation. |
Numismatics | Science of coins or medals. |
Nausea | Strong feeling of wanting to vomit. |
Nautical | of or concerning navigation, sailors, or the sea; maritime. |
Nemesis | Downfall that satisfies natural justice. |
Neologism | A new word. |
Nepotism | Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives. |
Notary | A public official who makes written statements official |
One Word Substitutions - O | |
Obsolote | A thing no longer in use. |
Omnivorous | An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food. |
Ornithology | Study of Birds |
Opaque | That through which light cannot pass. |
Obituary | Notice of a person's death in a newspaper. |
Obligatory | That which required to be done by law. |
Omnipotent | One who is all powerful. |
Omniscient | One who know everything. |
Omnivorous | One who eats anything. |
Ontology | Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence |
Opthalmologist | An eye-doctor |
Optometrist | A technician who measures your eyesight. |
One Word Substitutions - P | |
Pachyderm | A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros. |
Pacifist | A Person who oppose war or use of military force |
Parasite | A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return. |
Philistine | One who does not care for art, literature etc. |
Plagiarist | One who copies from other writers. |
Platonic | A relationship that is purely spiritual and not physical. |
Plutocracy | A Government by the rich. |
Postscript | A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature |
Potable | Safe drinking water. |
Pseudonym | To write under a different name. |
Paleography | The study of ancient writing. |
Palaeontology | The study of fossils. |
Panacea | A remdy which can cure all diseases. |
Paradox | Contradictory statement. |
Pariah | One who is not accepted by society |
Patent | Sole right to make and sell one's own invention. |
Paunch | A man's fat stomach. |
Pedant | One who exhibits his book learning |
Penultimate | Last but one. |
Perquisite | Gain over and above one's salary. |
Petrology | The scientific study of rocks. |
Philistine | Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture. |
Philologist | Onesho is well versed in the science of languages |
Pigment | The natural colouring mater of plants and animals |
Plaintiff | One who bring a charge against someone in court |
Plebeian | Of the lower social classes. |
Polyandry | The practise of having more than one husband at the same time. |
Polygamy | The practice of having more than one husband or wife at the same time. |
Polyglot | One who speaks many languages. |
Polygraphy | A lie-detector. |
Posthumous | A child born after the death of its father. |
Pragmatist | One who uses common sense. |
Prescient | Able to foretell what will happen in future. |
Profile | A side view of someone's head. |
Propellant | An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket. |
Pulimonary | Of or having an effect on the lungs. |
Pyrotechnics | The art of making fireworks |
One Word Substitutions - Q | Quack | One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine. |
Quarantine | Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection. |
Quixotic | Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger. |
One Word Substitutions - R | |
Renegade | One who deserts his principles, country or party |
Raconteur | One who is good at telling stories or who tells anecdotes |
Rapport | A good relationship between two people. |
Receptive | Capable of receiving new ideas. |
Red Tapism | Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay. |
Reflation | A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation. |
Refugee | One who takes refuge in a foreign country |
Reinforce | Strengthen by additional men or material. |
Reinstate | Put back in a former station or condition. |
Renaissance | A renewal of interest in art, literature etc. |
Requisition | An official demand or request. |
Retribution | A severe deserved punishment. |
Ringleader | One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble. |
Rodent | A small herbivore usually considered a pest.. |
Ruminant | A cud-chewing animal |
Russophile | An admirer of the Russian people, language, manners or way of life. |
Russophobe | One who dislikes the Russians and Russia. |
One Word Substitutions - S | |
Sacrilege | Violation of something holy and sacred |
Scavenger | A person who searches for and collects discarded items. |
Stoic | A person who can endure pain or hardship without complaining. |
Streak | A long, thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings. |
Surreal | Resembling a dream. |
Sabotage | Wanton destruction of a plant by workmen ; Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. by dissatisfied workers. |
Sanatorium | A hospital esp, for tuberculosis patients and convalescents. ; A place for invalids and convalescents. |
Sanctimonious | Making a show of piety. |
Scaffold | A structure on which criminals used to be hanged. |
Sceptic | Person who doubts the truth of what he is told. |
Scuba | An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water. |
Sculptor | One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc. |
Sedentary | Done while sitting down. |
Seer | One who can see into the future. |
Sensationalism | The intentional producing of excitement or shock. |
Septuagenarian | One in his seventies. |
Silhouette | Black shadow-like picture on white background. |
Simultaneous | happening or done at the same time |
Simultaneously | Taking place or happening at the same time. |
Sinecure | Any office with good salary but no work. |
Sinophile | An admirer of the Chinese people, language, manners or way of life. |
Sinophobe | One who dislikes the Chinese and China. |
Small Fry | Unimportant people. |
Snippet | A small piece from something spoken or written. |
Sojourn | A short stay at a place. |
Somnambulist | One who walk in his sleep |
Spendthrift | One who spends too much |
Spinster | An unmarried woman. |
Stale | Something which is not fresh. |
Stampede | A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals. |
Stellar | Of the stars. |
Stockbroker | One who buys and sell shares for others. |
Stratagem | A trick to deceive an enemy. |
Stringent | Very strict. |
Sub Judice | A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law. |
Subcutaneous | Beneath the skin. |
Subsidy | Money paid by a government to make prices lower. |
Subversive | Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority. |
Superannuated | Too old for work. |
Superfluous | More than is needed |
Surgeon | One who treats diseases by Operations |
Symposium | Collection of views of several persons on a topic. |
Synonym | A word with the same meaning as another. |
One Word Substitutions - T | |
Tableau | A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak. |
Taboo | An act which religion or custom regards as forbidden. |
Taxidermy | The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish. ; The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses. |
Technocrat | A specialist in technology. |
Teetotaller | One who doesn’t consume alchoholic drinks; One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks. |
Terminate | Come or bring to an end. |
Theist | One who believes in the existence of God. |
Theocracy | Government by priests. |
Thesaurus | Lexicon, esp, a collection of words |
Timber | Wood cut down for building etc. |
Topiary | The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes. |
Topography | The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map. |
Traitor | One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc. or One who is disloyal to his country. |
Transmigration | Belief that the soul passes at death into another body. |
Translucent | Light can partly pass through. |
Transparent | Light can pass through. |
Tyrant | A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly. |
One Word Substitutions - U | |
Utopia | An imaginary ideal state |
Ultimatum | final proposal of terms given by one party to another. |
Unanimous | A decision taken by the votes of all. |
Undertaker | A tradesman who manages funerals. |
One Word Substitutions - V | |
Venial | A pardonable Offense |
Vagabond | One who lives a wanderling life. |
Virtuoso | One who is highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit. |
Valetudinarian | One who is overanxious about one’s health. |
Verbatim | Word for word |
Versatile | Of many sided ability |
Veterinarian | One skilled in the treatment of diseases of animals. |
Vicarious | Done for another |
Volunteer | One who takes part in an enterprise of his own free will |
One Word Substitutions - W | |
Wanton | Recklessly inconsiderate |
Warren | A place for breeding or preserving rabbits |
Widower | A man whose wife is dead |
Winnow | To separate the husks from the grain |
Wizard | A man who has magical powers. |
One Word Substitutions - X | |
Xenomanic | A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living. |
Xenophobia | Fear of strangers. |
One Word Substitutions - Z | |
Zoo | A place where many kinds of animals are kept for show. |
Zoology | Study of animals |