Words having similar meanings are called Synonyms.
Synonyms D
Words | Synonyms |
Dainty | Exquisite, choice, rare, refined ; savory, palatable, delicious, toothsome, tasty, epicurean; fastidious, luxurious. |
Damage | Hurt, injury, detriment, loss, mischief, impairment |
Danger | Peril, risk, hazard, venture, insecurity, liability, jeopardy. |
Daring | Adventurous, fearless, risky, brave, courageous, dauntless, intrepid, valorous. |
Dark | Black, swarthy, opaque, obscure, shadowy, lurid, sunless, murky, cloudy, overcast, ebon, pitchy, secret; mysterious, enigmatical, unintelligible, occult, abstruse; gloomy, disheartening, cheerless, dismal ; ignorant, rude, untaught |
Darling | Sweetheart, love, pet, favorite, idol, dear. |
Dash | Strike, hurl, cast, throw, drive, send, speed, dart; alloy, adulterate ; suffuse, overspread, color; disappoint, ruin, frustrate; surprise, abash. |
Dastard | Coward, craven, recreant |
Data | Facts, basis, grounds, postulates, premises, given conditions. |
Daub | Smear, plaster, sully, begrime, soil, deface, defile. |
Daunt | Terrify, alarm, intimidate, appal, frighten off, tame. |
Dauntless | Valiant, fearless, intrepid, bold, indomitable, unconquerable, valorous, chivalrous, heroic, brave, daring. |
Dawn | Appear, begin, open; break, grow light, rise. |
Dazzle | Daze, blind; astonish, surprise, overpower, bewilder, confuse. |
Dead | Lifeless, breathless, inanimate; deceased, defunct, departed; dull, cold, frigid, inert, indifferent ; tasteless, insipid, flat; insensible, heavy, unconscious, spiritless, still, torpid. |
Deadly | Mortal, fatal, destructive, noxious, murderous, malignant, pernicious, baneful, venomous. |
Deaf | Hard of hearing; dull, insensible, heedless ; inexorable, averse, disinclined; inaudible. |
Deal | Bargain, chaffer, trade, traffic, do business; distribute, allot, divide, share, mete out. |
Dear | Costly, high-priced, expensive, precious; beloved, valued. |
Dearth | Lack, want, scarcity, poverty. |
Death | Decease, dying, dissolution, departure, exit, expiration. |
Debar | Exclude, bar out, stop, prevent, prohibit, restrain, hinder. |
Debase | Degrade, deprave, corrupt, alloy, deteriorate, lower, impair. |
Debate | Discussion, dispute, controversy, contention, altercation, contest. |
Debatable | Dubious, doubtful, uncertain, disputable, problematical |
Debauch | Seduce, corrupt, vitiate, defile. |
Debility | Infirmity, weakness, languor, exhaustion, feebleness. |
Debt | Liability, obligation, default, claim, score. |
Debtor | Borrower, Mortgagor |
Decay | Corrupt, putrefy, decompose, rot, spoil, molder, wither, perish. |
Deceit | Fraud, deception, cheating, artifice, imposition, guile. |
Deceive | Cheat, dupe, delude, beguile, fool, trick, impose upon, disappoint, mislead, circumvent, entrap. |
Deception | Craft, cunning, lying, fraud, hypocrisy, trickery, delusion, duplicity, deceitfulness, falsehood, prevarication. |
Decide | Determine, settle, conclude, close, terminate, end, resolve. |
Decipher | Reveal, explain, unravel, unfold. |
Decision | Determination, conclusion, judgment; firmness, resolution. |
Decisive | Conclusive, positive, final, definitive, indisputable. |
Deck | Adorn, dress, ornament. |
Declaim. | Recite, speak, debate, harangue. |
Declamation | Harangue, effusion, debate, oratory, elocution. |
Declaration | Assertion, affirmation, avowal ; publication, proclamation, official announcement. |
Declare | Announce, publish, advertise, reveal, proclaim. |
Decline. | Fall, decay, decadence, degeneration ; refusal, rejeotion, repudiation. |
Declivity. | Fall, slope, descent. |
Decoction. | Concoction, mixture, mess. |
Decompose. | Analyze, dissolve, resolve; decay, putrefy, become corrupt. |
Decorate. | Adorn, embellish, improve. |
Decorum. | Dignity, order, propriety, seemliness. |
Decrease | Lessen, diminish, subside, want, dwindle, curtail, retrench, reduce, lower. |
Decree | Decision, determination, law, edict, mandate, manifesto |
Decrepit | Weak, infirm, tottering, aged. |
Decry | Disparage, detract, depreciate, denounce, abase, traduce. |
Dedicate | Devote, hallow, sanctify, consecrate; address, inscribe; assign, apply, set apart. |
Deduce | Infer, draw, derive, conclude. |
Deed | Performance, act, action, exploit; reality, fact, truth; document, instrument. |
Deep | Profound; difficult, mysterious, hard, intricate ; penetrating, sagacious, astute, intelligent, discerning, shrewd ; |
Default | Neglect, failure, omission, want, forfeit |
Defeat | Overthrow, frustration, discomfiture. |
Defect | Fault, flaw, imperfection; omission, want, shortcoming. |
Defense | Apology, justification, vindication; shelter, shield, protection, guard, resistance, rampart, fortress, safeguard, bulwark. |
Defer | Delay, postpone, procrastinate, adjourn, put off; yield to, respect. |
Deference. | Respect, consideration, esteem, veneration, homage. |
Defile. | Contaminate, spoil, pollute, vitiate, infect, taint, befoul. |
Definition | Description, exposition, comment, explanation, interpretation, rendering, translation. |
Deformity. | Ugliness, malformation, distortion, disfigurement, abnormity, hideousness. |
Defrayment. | Payment, settlement, liquidation, discharge. |
Defy. | Challenge, dare, provoke, scorn, brave. |
Degeneracy. | Degradation, deterioration, growing worse, decay, decline ; inferiority, meanness. |
Degree | Grade, rank, step, station, stage, quality, standing; measure, interval, space. |
Dejected. | Disheartened, discouraged, depressed, downcast, despondent, gloomy, melancholy, low-spirited. |
Delay. | Postponement, procrastination ; hindrance, impediment. |
Delegate (n) | Substitute, proxy, representative, legate, deputy. |
Delegate (v) | Depute, commission, appoint, empower, constitute, ordain. |
Deleterious | Destructive, noxious, deadly, poisonous; hurtful, harmful, injurious, pernicious, unwholesome. |
Deliberate, | Meditate, ponder, debate, confer, consider, reflect, consult, weigh, cogitate. |
Deliberate, | Cautious, careful, wary; well-advised, purposed, studied; slow, leisurely; intentional, earnest, unbiased. |
Delicacy | Dainty, morsel, tidbit, relish; refinement, luxury, nicety, elegance; frailty, weakness ; fastidiousness, scrupulousness; purity, sensibility. |
Delicious | Dainty, savory, delightful, luscious, exquisite. |
Delight | Joy, gladness, charm, rapture, transport, satisfaction, pleasure, ecstasy, happiness, enjoyment, bliss. |
Delightful. | Agreeable, congenial, grateful, pleasant, refreshing, welcome, satisfying, delicious, acceptable, pleasurable. |
Delineate. | Describe, figure, represent, sketch, draw, portray, depict, paint. |
Delinquent. | Offender, culprit, criminal, miscreant, malefactor. |
Deliver | Free, liberate, release; save, rescue; give, hand over, transfer; yield, grant, resign, surrender; pronounce, declare, speak, discharge, deal. |
Deluge | Inundation, flood, overflow, rush, cataclysm. |
Delusion | Error, fallacy, illusion, hallucination, trick, snare, fraud, deception, imposture. |
Demand | Require, ask, call for, insist, exact, challenge. |
Demarcation | Outline, sketch, limit, boundary, division, enclosure, separation, distinction. |
Demean | Behave, comport, act, conduct one's self. |
Demerit | Fault, delinquency, misdeed, failure. |
Democratic | Popular, representative, republican, radical |
Demolish | Overthrow, destroy, overturn, raze, ruin. |
Demonstration | Exhibition, exemplification; manifestation, illustration; evidence, proof, certainty |
Demoralize | Corrupt, deprave, vitiate, undermine, subvert. |
Demure | Sedate, staid, modest, prudish, discreet. |
Denial | Refusal; contradiction, negation, disavowal. |
Denizen | Citizen, subject, inhabitant, dweller, sojourner. |
Denomination | Name, designation, description, appellation, class, sect, school |
Denounce | Brand, defame, stigmatize, decry ; accuse ; menace, threaten ; proscribe, vituperate. |
Dense | Thick, slow, compact, solid, close, thickset |
Denunciation | Censure, arraignment; threat, menace; exposure |
Deny | Refuse, withhold ; contradict, gainsay ; renounce, abjure, disown. |
Depart | Leave, go, start, sally, retire, disappear, vanish, bid farewell; die, decease. |
Department | Division, section, portion; function, office, duty, station; province, branch, line. |
Dependent | Hanging, resting, contingent, conditioned, relying, subject, relative. |
Depict | Portray, draw, paint, delineate. |
Deplorable | Lamentable, pitiable, sad, mournful, disastrous, calamitous, grievous, distressing, melancholy. |
Deportment | Conduct, carriage, behavior, demeanor, character. |
Depose | Dethrone, debase, degrade, dismiss, oust, displace. |
Deprecate | Regret, disapprove, lament; intercede, expostulate. |
Depreciate | Disparage, decry, undervalue, detract, underestimate. |
Depredation | Robbery, pillage, plunder, spoliation, theft, invasion, trespass, havoc, encroachment. |
Depression | Lowering, degradation, abasement, perversion, depreciation, dejection, discouragement; hollow, valley, decline. |
Deprive | Bereave, rob, divest, strip, despoil, dispossess, depose; prevent, hinder. |
Deputy | Lieutenant, agent, representative, |
Derangement | Disorder, confusion, disarrangement; disturbance, discomposure; madness, |
Derision | Scorn, contempt, ridicule, mockery, contumely, scoffing. |
Derivation | Source, origin, genesis, fountain, descent, root, etymology. |
Derogate | Detract, depreciate, disparage, compromise, lessen. |
Descendant | Offspring, posterity, progeny, stock, family, lineage, scion, branch, issue |
Describe | Trace, draw, portray, mark out, represent, depict, recount, narrate, illustrate, define, explain, characterize. |
Descry | Perceive, discern, recognize, discover, espy, see, behold, detect, find out. |
Desecrate | Profane, pollute, pervert, abuse, secularize, prostitute. |
Desert | Solitude, wild, wilderness, waste. |
Desideratum | Very desirable thing, requisite, want, essential. |
Design (v) | Intend, plan, prepare, project, contrive, scheme, purpose, mean, propose; draw, delineate, sketch ; contemplate, |
Designate | Specify, particularize; describe, define, denominate, name, call, style, christen, dub ; appoint, allot. |
Desirable | Eligible, expedient, advantageous, beneficial, advisable, valuable, profitable, enviable, proper, judicious. |
Desire | Appetite, inclination, longing, proclivity, craving, impulse, hankering, coveting, propensity, wish; aspiration, will |
Desolate | Bereaved, comfortless, forlorn, cheerless, lonely, solitary; uninhabited, forsaken, unfrequented, waste, dreary, |
Despair | Desperation, discouragement, hopelessness, despondency |
Despatch | Expedite, speed, accelerate, quicken, hasten; kill, slay. |
Desperate | Wild, reckless, despondent, hopeless, wretched, forlorn, lost; heroic, extreme, |
Despise | Contemn, scorn, slight, disdain, spurn |
Despoil | Strip, denude, ravage; rob, plunder, pillage, devastate. |
Despotic | Tyrannical, absolute, imperious, autocratic, arrogant. |
Destination | Aim, end, object, purpose, design; goal, harbor. |
Destiny | Fate, lot, doom, star, fortune, necessity, end, predestination. |
Destructive | Ruinous, injurious, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, detrimental, hurtful, noxious. |
Desuetude | Disuse, non-observance, obsolescence. |
Desultory | Rambling, irregular, capricious, wandering, roving, discursive, cursory, erratic, spasmodic, unsystematic. |
Detail | Account, narrative, recital; detachment; individual, particular, item, specialty, element, point, component. |
Detention | Hindrance, retaining, restraint, stopping. |
Deter | Hinder, discourage, prevent, restrain, withhold, terrify, scare, dishearten, dissuade |
Deteriorate | Impair, degrade, debase; decline, degenerate |
Determine | Settle, adjust, decide; ascertain, verify; influence, lead, incline ; resolve. |
Detest | Abominate, abhor, execrate, loathe, shrink from |
Dethrone | Depose, uncrown, drive out of power, cause to abdicate. |
Detract | Depreciate, disparage, lessen, derogate, calumniate, slander, defame, decry, vilify |
Detriment | Loss, damage, injury, harm, evil, prejudice, disadvantage, impairment, inconvenience. |
Develop | Evolve, unfold, educe, disclose, unravel, exhibit, expand, enlarge; open, grow, mature |
Deviate | Digress, wander, deflect, veer, diverge; depart, err, stray, swerve ; differ, vary. |
Device | Contrivance, invention, design, project, plan, scheme, expedient, resource; wile, artifice, stratagem, evasion, fraud; emblem, symbol, type. |
Devious | Erratic, wandering, deviating, crooked, circuitous, misleading, treacherous, roundabout. |
Devise | Plan, design, contrive, imagine, scheme, project, concoct; bequeath, leave. |
Devoid | Void, wanting, empty, destitute, vacant, unprovided for. |
Devolve | Transfer, consign, convey, demise, devise, deliver; impose, place, attach, commission, charge, depute; fall, pass, be transferred. |
Devotion | Dedication, consecration, piety, religion, sanctity, holiness, worship, adoration; attachment, affection, love; ardor, earnestness, zeal, eagerness, self-sacrifice. |
Devour | Consume, gorge, eat ravenously, swallow ; destroy, annihilate, waste, swallow up, expend. |
Dexterity | Aptitude, skill, expertness, readiness, adroitness. |
Diadem | Crown, chaplet, fillet, wreath, tiara, circlet. Diagnosis. Investigation, determination, analysis. |
Diagnostic | Symptom, feature, sign, cue, indication, mark, index. |
Dialect | Language, phraseology,
tongue, speech, provincialism, idiom, accent. Dialogue. Conversation between two people, colloquy, discourse, tete-a-tete. |
Dictate | Direct, ordain, command, prescribe, order, bid, require, decree; utter; prompt, suggest, enjoin, instruct. |
Dictation | Injunction, precept, command, rule, maxim, direction, utterance. |
Dictatorial | Imperious, imper tive, domineering, arbitrary, absolute, unlimited, authoritative, unrestricted, overbearing. |
Diction | Expression, language, phrase, phraseology, style, verbiage, vocabulary, wording. |
Dictionary | Lexicon, word-book, glossary, vocabulary. |
Die | Expire, decease, depart; wither, perish, decay, decline, |
Diet | Food, victuals, nourishment, aliment, nutriment, provision, viands, rations, fare, subsistence |
Difference | Contrast, diversity, variation, variety, discrepancy, disagreement, disparity, distinction, divergence, unlikenesa. |
Differentiate | Discriminate, individualize, distinguish, particularize, specify, segregate, identify. |
Difficult | Arduous, exhausting, severe, onerous, trying, toilsome, hard, laborious; intricate, involved, obscure, enigmatical; unmanageable, reserved, opposed, unamenable. |
Diffident | Modest, doubtful, reluctant, hesitating; bashful, timid, shy, self-distrustful. |
Digest | Methodize, systematize, arrange, classify, cod'ify ; study, ponder, consider, contemplate, meditate, con; master, assimilate. |
Dignified | Stately, noble, grand, majestic, self-respecting, imposing, decorous, august, lofty, exalted, pompous. |
Dignify | Advance, promote, exalt, ennoble, prefer; grace, honor, adorn; elevate, aggrandize. |
Digress | Deviate, ramble, wander; differ. |
Dilapidation | Ruin, decay, disintegration, downfall, demolition. |
Dilate | Stretch wide, expand, enlarge, widen, distend. |
Dilatory | Slow, loitering, tardy, procrastinating, dawdling, lagging, lingering, sluggish. |
Diligence | Industry, assiduity, activity, perseverance, application, attention, care, heed. |
Dim | Obscure, dark, covered, hidden, dusky, indistinct, uncertain. |
Dimension | Measurement, bulk, mass, extent |
Diminish | Lessen, reduce, decrease, abate |
Words | Synonyms |
Callous | Hard, Obdurate, Apathetic, Obtuse, Indifferent, Torpid |
Cancellation | Annulment, Abrogation |
Canine | Dog, Cur, Hound, Pooch |
Capillary | Blood vessel, Vein, Tube |
Carnivorous | Predatory, Rapacious |
Cater | Supply, Furnish, Procure |
Chagrin | Trauma, Mishap, Calamity |
Chronic | Habitual, Inveterate, Perpetual |
Clientele | Customers, Constituency |
Colleague | Coworker, Peer, Associate |
Collegiate | Scholastic, Erudite |
Communicable | Contagious, Infectious |
Comparative | Similar, Parallel, Analogous, Near, Matching |
Compile | Collect, Amass, Cull |
Complement | Supplement, Aggregate, Full measure, Troupe, Complete |
Component | Composing, Intrinsic, Part |
Compulsion | Urgency, Obsession |
Concept | Theory, Notion, Belief |
Conclusive | Definitive, Decisive, Absolute, Irrefutable, Ultimate |
Confound | Confuse, Perplex, Baffle |
Consolidate | Combine, Blend, Fortify |
Consultant | Guide, Advisor, Guru |
Contemptible | Ignoble, Base, Vile |
Contraband | Illicit, Smuggling |
Convalescent | Recuperating, Healing |
Conveyance | Transport, Vehicle |
Convulsion | Paroxysm, Commotion |
Cosmic | Vast, Universal, Empyrean |
Courier | Herald, Messenger, Runner |
Credentials | Documents, Papers, Vouchers |
Creditor | Collector, Consignee |
Crucial | Acute, Intense, Fierce |
Crypt | Tomb, Sepulcher, Vault |
Cryptic | Ambiguous, Enigmatic |
Cull | Collect, Amass, Compile |
Cumulative | Increasing, Intensifying |
Curtail | Reduce, Abridge, Blunt |
Curvature | Bend, Arch, Camber |
Cynical | Misanthropic, Alienated |